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Garrett College 50th Anniversary
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Garrett College 50th Anniversary: Dedications
This guide contains information, materials, and resources on the history of Garrett College and event information in regards to the 50th Anniversary celebration.
College Historical Documents
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1969 Tree Planting Ceremony
Commencement Ceremonies
GC’s 15th Anniversary
GC's 20th Anniversary
GC’s 25th Anniversary
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25th Anniversary Celebration Pictures
Time Capsule
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Building Pictures
Campus Photos
Yearbook Photos
Beitzel Dedication (4.26.1990)
Bill Grant & Joan Crawford
Buffet Table
Ernie Gregg
Ernie Gregg & Male Hammering Name Plate
Ernie Gregg & Male Hammering Name Plate (2)
Ernie Gregg by Job Placement Board
Group in Buffet Line
Jim Cornelius and John Gould
George McDowell and Jan Wildesen
John Culp, Lowell Bender, and Mike Logsdon
Lillian Mitchell, Joan Crawford, & Steve Herman
Lillian Mitchell, Steve Herman, & Jan Wildesen
Lowell Bender, Ernie Gregg, Jim Cornelius and Group
Lowell Bender, John Culp, and Group
Steve Herman
Steve Herman & Ernie Gregg (1)
Steve Herman & Ernie Gregg (2)
Steve Herman & Ernie Gregg (3)
Steve Herman & Group
Steve Herman & Male Hammering Name Plate
Steve Herman and John Gould Standing in Hallway
Garrett National Bank Dedication (3.29.1990)
Fruit Center Piece
Fruit Center Piece & Buffet (1)
Fruit Center Piece & Buffet (2)
Garrett National Bank Dedication (1)
Garrett National Bank Dedication (2)
Garrett National Bank Dedication (3)
Group Standing by Art Work
Joan Crawford & George McDowell
Male & Name Plate
Male Playing Guitar
Mike Logsdon Standing by Art Work
Steve Herman & Group (1)
Steve Herman & Group (2)
Steve Herman & Group (3)
Steve Herman & Group (4)
Steve Herman & Male
Steve Herman & George McDowell
Steve Herman & Male Hammering Name Plate (1)
Steve Herman & Male Hammering Name Plate (2)
Mike Logsdon at Buffet (1)
Steve Herman, Jan Wildesen, and Unknown Group at Buffet (2)
Unknown Group at Buffet (3)
Campus Photos
Yearbook Photos >>