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Artificial Intelligence (AI): Our Approach to AI


Position Statement on Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Garrett College recognizes the expanding development of Artificial intelligence (AI) platforms and the responsibility to incorporate their appropriate use into the educational experience. The use of ChatGPT, Google Gemini, and other generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools and services is growing rapidly. At Garrett College, the faculty have the discretion to define how, if, and when generative AI may be used in their course. All student submissions (draft or final form) intended to meet course requirements must either be the students own work or must clearly acknowledge the source, unless exceptions to this are outlined in the course syllabus. Student work includes written work, graphic designs, programming and problem solving, audio and video creations, examinations, or other items. The unauthorized use of generative AI tools, such as ChatGPT and others, is considered equivalent to receiving assistance from an outside source or other person and will be treated as a violation of academic integrity as outlined in the student code of conduct. The ultimate decision for the acceptable use of AI in a course lies with the professor and will vary by course.

Student Guidance:

1. Seek guidance from professors on appropriate AI use in coursework.

2. Verify information and citations from AI and supplement with independent research.

3. Remember that AI tools are only tools and should not replace critical thinking.

4. Ask yourself relevant questions regarding your usage of AI, its impact on your learning, content accuracy, and its equitable use compared to peers. Use these tools ethically to contribute positively to society.
