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Garrett College Library & Learning Commons: Research Assistance

Resources & Services

Research assistance, subject guides, and useful resources compiled by Garrett College Library Staff:

Studying from home and need help? There are now two ways you can get Online Reference Assistance from the Library!

You can email  Or use the Ask Us feature in the Online Catalog - just use the guest request feature.

A librarian will get back to you as soon as possible, but please allow for a longer response time during the evening, weekend, and holiday hours.

Library instruction sessions are designed to teach students information literacy skills, included by not limited to: how to search for, evaluate, and use information; how to use the library; and plagiarism/copyright.

To schedule a library instruction session with a librarian, email

Links to Library FAQs newsletters from the Fall 2017 semester:

Information on National Library Week 2018:

Helpful Guides

Having trouble finding what you need?  Check out these guides to get started:

tutor and tutee in tutoring center
