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Appalachia and Garrett County, MD History: Famous Visitors

Famous Visitors - The Vagabonds

John Burroughs, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, and Harvey Firestone

"These wealthy captains of industry called themselves 'vagabonds' as they roughed it together in the great outdoors away from civilization."

Thomas Edison and his wife, Mina Miller Edison, share a few contemplative moments along Muddy Creek upstream from the falls.

Famous Visitors - Albert Einstein

Robbie Steiding sits on the lap of Albert Einstein during a 1946 secret visit that Einstein made to Western Maryland. The famous scientist was invited by Robbie’s father, John Steiding of Midland, to vacation at Deep Creek Lake.

He later said that this vacation was “one of the most restful and zestful vacations.” He stated that “here you can get nearer to God.”

Into the Wild: Edison, Ford & Friends

Famous Visitors - Jonas Salk

Enjoying their quiet, peaceful time at Deep Creek Lake, Jonas teases wife, Donna, prior to the launch of their new rowboat.
