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English 101: James: Finding Books

Use this guide to find the best sources and research tips for English 101 essays

Online Library Catalog

screenshot of library catalog

Finding Books

To search for books in the Garrett College Library on a topic, you will need to use the online catalog which searches for materials owned and located in the library - including but not limited to books.

You may search by topic, title, or author's last name.

Through the library, you have access to thousands of ebooks for free.  You can either search the online catalog for them, or check out these databases:

A Call Number is what you use to find an item on the shelves in a library. The Garrett College Library uses the Library of Congress Classification System.  This system uses letters and numbers that all mean something, but what is important to you is that you can break the call number into parts and continue to narrow down until you find the item you need. 

Here is an example and how to find it: HF5389 .M674 2012

1. Find the shelves that contain the first letter(s). In our example the letters would be HF.

2. Find the first set of numbers (5389) within those shelves. These are in regular numerical order. For example, 5389 would come after 5340.

3. Find the second letter within those shelves. In our example the letter would be M.

4. Find the second set of numbers (674) within those shelves. These are in decimal order. For example, books would go in this order 63, 674, 68, 7.

5. There may be a third set of letters and numbers. These will also be in alphabetical and decimal number order. Example: TX911.3 .M3 N94 2011 

6. The last part of a call number may be a year. This indicates the publication date.

Your instructor may put material on reserve that is assigned reading.

You can find reserves at the Circulation Desk, just make sure you bring your student ID.

There is no time limit for most items, but some may not be allowed to leave the library.
