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Indigenous Peoples of Garrett County: Iroquois

A special collection of physical and digital resources documenting the indigenous peoples of Garrett and its surrounding counties

Leaders from the Five Iroquois Nations Assembled Around Dekanawidah (1570)

Iroquois Confederacy

Six Nations of the Iroquois Confederacy:

Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, Seneca, and Tuscarora

Seneca Chief Cornplanter (1796)


During the colonial period, the Seneca were involved in trade (particularly fur) with the Dutch and the British. However, the Massawomeck, which was a powerful warring tribe, controlled the flow of European trade goods to interior lands, acting like a curtain that blocked off most trading on the eastern part of what is now the United States. 

In 1606, the Seneca tribe attacked the Massawomeck, leaving the latter suffering severe setbacks. The surviving Massawomecks merged into a Susquehanna tribe known as "The Black Miniqua," which the Seneca would later attack and assimilate its survivors into their tribe. Thus, making the Massawomeck and Susquehanna now part of the Seneca Nation. 

"Sasquesahanok Fort" by Cartographer Herman Moll (1720)


John Farrer Map - Massawomeck in Virginia (1651)

