Welcome to the course guide for MAT 210! An introduction to the practice of statistics. Topics include sampling bias and how to avoid it, the concern with confounding variables, the purpose of randomized experiments, the use of placebos and blinding, visual and numerical summaries of data, the interpretation of graphs and statistics, concerns regarding linear regression, patterns of sampling variability, estimating with confidence in the face of uncertainty, the scientific method, weighing the evidence provided by data, and statistical fallibility. Offered FALL and SPRING semesters. (Mathematics GER)
In this guide, you will find resources and support materials to help you be successful in this course. The pages follow the syllabus for the course, so you should be able to choose the page that relates to the topic you wish to review. To watch a video, click on the play symbol. To do the practice exercises, click on the word practice. The recommended exercises are also listed under each topic so you can practice.