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MAT 210: Introductory Statistics: Shape of a Distribution

Shape of a Distribution

This section shows how to examine how the data is distributed on a graph. 

There are two sets of videos and practice, so make sure you review all of them.



Outlier - an observed value that is much larger or smaller than the others. 

Symmetric - when the left and right side of the graph are almost the same when you fold it down the middle.

Skewed right - when numbers are mostly on the left, and there is a tail to the right of the graph.

Skewed left - when numbers are mostly on the right, and there is a tail to the left of the graph.

Bell-shaped - when the data is symmetric, and the graph looks like a bell. 

Recommended Exercises

Page 71

2.32 - 2.42

Videos and Practice 1 - click left or right to move through videos

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Videos and Practice 2 - click left or right to move through videos

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